• For individuals who hold passports or other international travel documents with a validity period of less than 3 months, have a visa refusal stamp from the Chinese visa authority, or have a record of illegal entry, exit, residence, or employment within 5 years, the border inspection authority will not issue a temporary entry permit. Therefore, such individuals cannot apply for a 72/144 hour transit visa exemption.
  • Do not exceed the scope or time limit of the stay area
    The stay period for 72/144 hours of visa free transit foreign nationals is calculated from midnight on the day of entry. Taking 144 hours of visa free transit as an example, passengers entering China on January 1, 2023 will have a stay period starting from midnight on January 2, 2023. They can stay in the visa free area for a maximum of 6 days and leave before 24:00 on January 7.
    If it is necessary to stay in the visa free stay area for more than 72/144 hours due to force majeure or other reasons, the corresponding stay permit should be applied for and processed from the entry and exit management department of the public security organ in accordance with regulations.
  • To handle accommodation registration in accordance with the law
    72/144 hour visa free transit for foreigners staying in hotels, the hotel shall handle their accommodation registration; Those who reside or stay in other accommodations outside of the hotel shall register with the public security police station or foreign service station in their place of residence within 24 hours after check-in by themselves or the host.


Under what circumstances are foreigners not allowed to have a temporary stay permit?

source: govt.chinadaily.com.cn

Under any of the following circumstances, foreigners will not be issued a temporary stay permit by exit/entry border inspection authorities:

(i) Circumstances in which entry is not allowed in accordance with laws or administrative regulations;

(ii) Valid period of passport or other international travel document is less than three months, or there is a rejection stamp from China's visa-issuing authorities;

(iii) Have record of illegal entry into or exit from China, illegal residence or illegal employment in the past five years;

(iv) Have violated regulations on accommodation registration under serious circumstances over the past two years.

more policy on https://3btaxi.com/index.php/144hourstwovlayover.html